Tuesday, 2 July 2013

WBT–Class yes

Still on holidays, still attending my Dyslexia Training Course…and loving it.

Thought I’d move my Whole Brain Teaching Posts over here to my new blog address.  I have linked in a few others at the end too.

Please visit my TpT Store to download a WBT freebie.  Don’t forget to
follow me at my store and please, please, please leave me a comment/rating.  28 downloads and nothing yet….Go on be the first!



WBT- Class Yes

What it looks like in Kindergarten…

The Whole Brain Teaching approach is really fun and extremely successful too. It just makes sense to teach this way. Common, give it a go. It’s FREE. I read about it, watched several You Tube clips and videos about how to implement it but to be honest I completely underestimated its value until I tried it.

More hours in a day!

I decided to try the ‘Class…Yes’ attention gaining strategy last November and really have not looked back. It is an attention gaining strategy and I was certain that I didn’t need it. I have great classroom management and thought this was for someone who needed help in this area.

How wrong was I…It is brilliant!!!!!!

Yes, it is an attention gaining strategy but more importantly it gets rid of your waffle. Your kind well intended words or in my case, fun nonsense and useless words, that probably only served to teach the children to tune out to what I was really wanting them to hear.

Have you ever thought that in having fun this way you might actually be teaching the Little Learners that sometimes the things that you say are not really important. Now if they think that what your saying might not necessarily be really important then this is like teaching them to give you some of their attention while they decide if it is important or not. We don’t want the kids to decide this. We want them to hear and learn from all we say and we want everyone's full attention – using words if we have to.

How it works?

First you say, “Class” and the Little Learner’s respond, “Yes”. Plain and simple. You will need to explain to them that when you say ‘class’ you want them to respond ‘yes’ then it’s a good idea to practise it a few times and praise them for their efforts. Tell them that they must also look to you as they say ‘yes’. Have a play with this response as a practise time. You are now ready to implement it.

Raising the bar a little…

Tell the Little Learners that they are so clever that they can now try the advanced level of “Class Yes”. This motivates them even further.

Now you can vary your class delivery. Try a high voice/low voice variation.

Next try saying “Classity class” and they should copy you responding “Yessity Yes” You can try absolutely anything you can think of.

Have a go at these,

Class” “ Yes

Classity Class” “Yessity Yes

Class, class, class” “Yes, yes yes

Oh class” “Oh Yes

Now I realise that this sounds fine and dandy but you want to know why you should do this instead of the usual approaches such as clapping rhythm patterns, good old chants, “1,2,3, eyes on me” Or “Boys and girls”or lots of positive talk etc.


I promise that when you introduce this in the fun way outlined briefly above the Little Learners will all, and I mean every single one of them, have their eyes on you ready for your next words - even little Jonny who usually has to be singled out to everyone that you are waiting for him. Suddenly you have absolute silence in the shortest time, full attention and icing on the cakeexpectation that the next words you utter are going to be really important for them. It’s all up to you at this point. Don't waste the moment, or weaken the opportunity by filling it with waffle, here’s where you launch straight into your lesson content with LOTS of gestures.


The absolute attention will shock you. You will realise that you do waffle. You will gain time in the day and your Little Learners will be super focused.

Give it a go…you have absolutely nothing to lose!

Want to know more? For more information or perhaps a video example of this approach head to wholebrainteaching.com And have a look at some of my other WBT posts.

Super Improvers Wall

More Super Improvers Wall

The Scoreboard

WBT – The Scoreboard

WBT – Rule Posters

Whole Brain Teaching - 5 class Rules


They work amazingly well together.

Happy Tuesday!
Mrs Stowe Smile


Barbara L said...

Hi! Glad to hear my signature tutorial worked for you:) thanks for stopping by:)

Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

Unknown said...

Hi Julie! I nominated your blog for an award! Check out my blog for more info.
The Teacher and the Frog

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