Monday, 5 August 2013

100th day of Kindergarten


How much fun did we have counting up to this milestone.  The Little Learners were thrilled going home on day 99 and quite overwhelmed on the 100th day. 

It was very special.

The other Kinder teachers and I prepared into the darkness of the cold winters evening the night before our celebration, ensuring everything was ready for our big day. 

I wrote 100 in chalk all over the carpet as below.


The Little Learners thought this was really naughty and helped me get it off by tracing the 100 with their fingers until in faded.  Naturally they were just practising making 100 as chalk dust easily vacuums up.  Shh don't tell them though!

I also scattered 100 smiles around the floor too and throughout the day had the learners take one or two as a reward.  It was reflective of their beautiful innocence that they didn't just take them but waited to be asked to collect them as a reward – totally gorgeous and another reason I am thankful for them.

P1010221 P1010218

The Little Learners came to school either dressed as a 100 year old person
or carrying 100 items. 
We had 100 rice grains, a poster with 100 friends pictures on it, 100 stickers,  100 lollies, 100 cakes to share.  Our parents were very supportive indeed.

I wore a jacket with 100 smiley faces taped on.  I was assured that me black jacket looked much nicer with yellow smiles all over it!


We wrote stories about what could be done with 100 dollars.
We did 100 actions.
We counted to 100 by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s
We wrote 100 words.
We made 100 glasses to wear home.
We rolled a dice over and over until we had coloured in a 100 square pattern.


my favourite was asking the little Learners to carefully draw their face. 
After a little while I asked them to pick it up and screw it up,
unfold it and that this is what they would look like when they were 100 with loads of wrinkles. 
They burst with giggles and laughter. 
{A couple added moustaches}. 
Next we pasted the pictures into frames and displayed on art lines in our room.

   P1010232    P1010233     P1010234


The creativity of the day was…
this amazing 100 lollipop stand/trophy which was created by one of the parents. 
It was absolutely amazing!  A big painted Styrofoam ball forms the centre and the rest is self explanatory. 


A truly fun day!

Happy Monday!
Mrs StoweSmile


Barbara L said...

What a great day! You did so many fun things:)

Mrs. Leeby said...

This is so cute! How on earth are you already on your 100th day???? :)

Learning With Mrs. Leeby

Unknown said...

I'm Australian and our school year follows the calendar year. Kindergarten starts February 1 or there abouts and ends mid December. Remember our Summer is in December, January, February.
Thanks for the feedback! :)

Unknown said...

Funny but my Little Learners are still counting!
Julie :)

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