Wednesday, 14 August 2013

desk plates…

Make summer last a little longer…

Ice Cream themed desk plates to drag Summer back into your classroom.
Take at look at the gorgeous graphics, frames and papers in these new desk plates.


Thanks to the creativity of the wonderful

Barbara Leyne
from Ruby Slippers Blog Designs.

I was able to put together a set of name plates using six different flavours/colours. 
Barb is amazingly talented and a real gem.

Barbara created six delicious flavoured ice-creams with matching paper and frames.  These are available at her TpT store. Creative possibilities are endless…hmm.

I love them all.  
Thanks BarbSmile


This is a sample of my desk plates and you can see them in the photos above and below too.


I printed my plates onto light card, cut them down the middle and added the Little Learners names. I laminated them so they will last until the end of the year too.

Multi use…

I will  use the desk plates to mark places, support ability and mixed ability grouping, socialise Little Learners, assist with letter recognition (alphabet in lower case on every desk plate)  and to quickly group the children as we set about tasks or move to the floor or out to lines etc.
I will simply call out an ice-cream flavour or colour and in my class of 24, four students should respond immediately because they have that colour ice-cream on their desk plate. 
No arguments…I’m hopeful.


Introduced the new Desk Plates Today…

The Little Learner’s were so excited with their new desk plates and I LOVE that they are a reminder the Australian Summer is on the way 
– yay!

ice-cream is good all year round

so head on over to my TpT store if you ‘d like a copy for your Little Learners.

Happy Wednesday!
Mrs Stowe Smile


Paula’s Place said...

They are very cute.

Barbara L said...

Those are so cute! I never would have thought of using the graphics that way! It's very cool to see what someone else does with your stuff:)
Thanks for the sweet shout-out, Julie!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your encouragement. I am working on another ice-cream item too. You know how I like matchy things.

Karli Lomax said...

Hi Julie,
I stopped by to say thanks for checking out my blog!
Adorable name plates :) How many days until your summer break?
All the best for the rest of your year!
Creating a Thoughtful Classroom

Lori said...

Your name plates turned out wonderfully! I hope you have a great school year!
Conversations in Literacy

Unknown said...

Thanks ladies. I appreciate your encouragement as a newbie. I know I am a noreply blogger at present and I am about to fix that tonight...sorry!
Julie :-)

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