Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Aussie autumn & Gum Trees

Here in New South Wales, Australia we are on our 2 week Autumn/Easter Break.


Temperatures are definitely cooling down and we have experienced

23oC – 26oC

for the past week.
(that’s 73.4 –78.8 Fahrenheit)

I probably should post pictures of the beautiful beaches and waterways but I have decided on a few autumn plants this time.  why not have a flick while I get a cardigan!

Gum Trees

I went outside to capture a few pictures for you of our Gum Trees. 
They don't lose their leaves and are very tall, great for shade.

photo 1

  photo 2  photo 2  photo 2 


A Few other plants that grow around my place in autumn.

Not flowering at the moment

              photo 3   photo 5

Bottle Brush & Banksia

          photo 1   photo 4


photo 3

Kangaroo Paw
(a little too much sun in this shot)

photo 5

And some Daisies..

    photo 1photo 3

Not really sure what this random plant below is but I do know that those orange round things somehow get from the front yard over our house to the backyard and into the pool!


Although to be honest, I plead ignorance and rarely clean the pool.

photo 4 

Now if you made it down to here you probably think I'm a bit of a gardener but no! 
Sadly all I touch turns to brown. 
These are plants that grow all year without attention fortunately.

Not a teaching post but just a little share today.
Now…where is my book?
Time for a holiday rest.

Happy Thursday!
Mrs StoweSmile


Mrs. Bartel's School Family (Alyce) said...

What beautiful photos! Oh, someday, maybe a trip for me to Australia... My sons would LOVE it!! Happy Thursday to you!

Unknown said...

Well if you ever do head down under please come and visit me!
Julie :-)

Barbara said...

Well there you are! I was too lazy to google gum tree, but now I know. Thanks:).
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

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